Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management; Veterinary Department; Sector of Veterinary Inspection; Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and Telecommunications

Dear Mr. Minister Goran Knezevic, Secretaries of State and Minister Assistants

Employees of the PUC “Our Home”, Pozega, Office for Zoo Hygiene, receive donations for animal vaccines, sterilisation and food from the city and the surrounding area, all of which has been documented in their paperwork. They charge for taking one dog out from the kennel 2850,00 RSD although they have been already payed for having that dog there. Additionally- because they have been already payed for their service so they are not allowed to ask for more money.
There are no containers with food in the kennels, although significant amount of food has been delivered to them, as they asked for it and still claiming need for more.
There is official record for every of 300 dogs that have entered, been treated and left kennel, but there are no more than 50 animals there. We would like to know where are other 250 dogs for which has been paid from donations?
Entrance in the kennel of each dog should be followed by detailed veterinary exam, diagnosis and, if needed, treatment. Regular diet of each dog should lead to weight gain, but dogs there look like they are starving. Employees claim that they don’t know the reason for that, while vet assumes that cause could be infection with parasites. We would like to know how is possible that animals that have been examined and treated still have parasite infection? If money has been used for all mentioned but dogs from the records are not present in the kennel, and the ones that are present are not treated then we would like to know for what money has been used?
We would also like to know if anyone has checked capacity of the building and are there appropriate conditions for keeping dogs according to Animal Wellbeing Law?
There are so many questions but no answers, just skinny and tortured dogs.











These are our demands:

1. To rescue, as soon as possible, all animals from PUC “Our Home”, Pozega, Office for Zoo Hygiene, without asking for additional payment;

2. To dismiss all current employees and to press charges against them due to violation of the Animal Wellbeing Law;

3. To hire people that love and are capable of doing this job according to Animal Wellbeing Law;

4. To provide adequate conditions and care for animals, according to Animal Wellbeing Law.






























Ministarstvu poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede, Upravi za veterinu, Sektoru veterinarske inspeckije u Beogradu

Poštovani gospodine ministre Gorane Kneževiću , državni sekretari i pomoćnici ministra,

Zaposleni u JKP "NAŠ DOM" Požega, služba zoo higijene, dobijaju donacije za vakcine, sterilizacije, kastracije - od grada i šire, dobijaju hranu u paletama koju papirološki vode. Naplaćuju izlazak jednog psa 2850,00 dinara za nešto što im je već plaćeno i što ne smeju naplaćivati. U boksevima posuda sa hranom nigde nema, a dostavljena im je velika količina hrane, koju su potraživali, a koju potražuju i dalje. Navodno se vodi evidencija o svakom ulasku, lečenju i izlasku psa. U evidenciji postoji 300 pasa od kojih je 100 sterilisano, a u logoru ih nema ni 50. Gde je ostalih 250 pasa za koje se vode knjige, tj. uzimaju pare? Kada pas udje u "logor" trebalo bi veterinar da ga pregleda detaljno, ustanovi dijagnozu i dalje psa prati i leči. Svaki pas koji redovno jede mora da dobije na težini, a oni tvrde da pse redovno hrane i da ne znaju iz kog razloga izgledaju tako. Možda imaju parazite - kaže veterinar. Koje parazite? Šta on pregleda ako psi MOŽDA imaju parazite? Za šta uzima pare kad psima nije dao lekove protiv parazita? Gde su pare a gde psi i papiri koji se vode? Da li je neko proverio, ima li taj objekat kapacitet za toliko pasa a da svi budu zbrinuti po Zakonu o dobrobiti životinja, kako oni kažu?
1000 ZAŠTO a ni jedno ZATO, samo prazni i izmoreni pogledi izmučenih pasa...



Zato su nasi zahtevi sledeći:

1. Što hitnije izbaljivanje svih zivotinja iz JKP „NAS DOM“ POZEGA , Služba ZOO higijene, bez novcane nadoknade;

2. Sve zaposlene suspendovati i pokrenuti sve potrebne disciplinske i druge postupke povodom nezakonitog postupanja u radu;

3. Omogućiti ljudima koji zele i mogu da rade ovaj posao na human način u skladu sa zakom.

4.Obezbediti smestaj kakav je i propisan po zakonu,i adekvatnu brigu o svim zivotinjama