uvodjenje obavezne kastracije za nesposobne muskarce/SterilizeMan

Kako se ovih dana povela peticija za zabranu abortusa mi smo resili da odgovorimo na istu . Zabrana abortusa ne moze se uvesti a da istu zabranu ne prati sledeci zakon o OBAVEZNOJ KASTRACIJI SVAKOG MUSKARCA KOJI SILUJE, MALTRETIRA ILI NAPRAVI ZENI DETE A DA PRITOM NIJE SPOSOBAN ISTO DA IZDRZAVA

These day over the internet running very aggressive campaign against abortion. We wish to send the message , if U wish to banned abortion U must bring the low which will put rapist , violent or man who made babes and run from responsibility under sterilization. If U wish to protect unborn babies U must protect mother of baby as well other wise dont mess with woman choice .